Fund Manager
NCB Capital Company was founded in 2007 as the investment banking and asset management arm of the National Commercial Bank (over 90% ownership), providing clients with premier solutions of integrated investment services. Today, NCB Capital is the largest Asset Manager in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the largest Sharia compliant asset Manager globally with over SAR140 billion of assets under management.
NCB Capital’s products and services include:
- A full range of asset management offerings
- Fiduciary investment advisory services
- Wealth, fund and portfolio management
- A full range of Investment Banking services
- Brokerage and market leading research
NCB Capital Company’s Head Office is at King Saud Road, NCB Regional Building P.O. Box 22216, 11495 Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. +966 11 874 7106 NCB Capital has regional offices in the following cities: Jeddah: King Abdulaziz Road, NCB Capital Building P.O. Box 886, 21421 Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia +966 12 690 7777 NCB Capital is a Saudi Joint Stock Company with a paid up capital of SR1,000 million. It is authorized by the Capital Market Authority of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia under license number (37-06046) to carry out dealing, as principal and agent, and underwriting, managing, arranging, advising and custody with respect to securities and the commencement date to proceed with the stated activities is 10\06\1428H corresponding to 25\06\2007G. NCB Capital Company Commercial Registration No. (1010231474) dated 29/03/1428H.